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Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

With his flowing rooms based on open ground plans and elegant furniture designs, he became the decisive trailblazer of a comprehensive stylistic transformation. In 1925, he took over the art direction…

1927 - The New Living

The Weißenhof Siedlung in Stuttgart The Werkbund exhibition "Die Wohnung" in the Weißenhof Siedlung in Stuttgart in 1927 demonstrated solutions for the new way of living and was met with much acclaim…

Betap Showroom

BETAP SHOWROOM IN GENEMUIDEN The architecture and interior design of the headquarters of the family-owned Dutch company Betap were adjusted to match the client’s identity by the teams of the…

As if drawn into the room: Thonet and tubular steel

In 1926, Dutch architect Mart Stam in turn captured the essence of the cantilever chair when he created a chair with no back legs using ten pieces of gas pipe. During the planning for the Weissenhof…

Mart Stam

Stam felt an obligation to build and design rationally. Simplicity was not an end in itself for him. The visionary architectural studies he published made him internationally famous. In 1925, he began…



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